New year, same me (but new website)!

I’ve had fun doing this blog over the years but have found myself less enthused recently about identifying topics that jump out at me.  I blame the pandemic (why not?).  It’s time to move on and officially say goodbye!  As we charge ahead into a new year, I find myself excited about refocusing my professional goals and making strides to take on projects and clients that initially made me want to be a consultant.

I have evolved and so has my consulting business in the 8 years since I started this journey.  I’ve learned so much from the organizations I’ve worked with, and through those experiences, I have been able to hone down where my passions and skill sets lie.  This year I hope to do more of what makes me excited – supporting organizations as they build and create systems; providing coaching, training and professional development opportunities and ensuring staffing structures are effective through organizational development, and hiring and recruiting efforts.

I commit to passing on projects that aren’t the right fit for me and my business, and connecting with organizations, networks and other consultants who align with my values and professional goals.  In 2024, I’m sharing a renovated website along with putting some ideas into existence.  I hope to truly merge my passion for both emotional and physical wellness by supporting nonprofits and their employees as not just a consultant, but a true nonprofit wellness coach. My goal is always to partner with organizations to help them work towards their missions, and in 2024 I want to strengthen these partnerships and build new, meaningful ones.  

I’m working on identifying avenues for sharing templates and guidelines I’ve put together over the years for various organizations, so that others can leverage this work.  The last thing we need to do in the nonprofit community is attempt to reinvent the wheel. 

Lastly, my husband and I both have significant professional goals this year and have decided in our weekly family meetings to not only talk about household, relationship, and financial matters but to also identify one professional goal, or action step, we hope to take in the following week.  Accountability buddies for the win!  So, cheers to a new year, some shifts and growth in business and to nonprofits having what they need to effectively work towards their missions.

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